MINUTES OF MEETING LAKE ASHTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Lake Ashton Community Development District was held on Monday, July 24, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Ashton Clubhouse Ballroom, 4141 Ashton Club Drive, Lake Wales, FL. Present and constituting a quorum were: Lloyd Howison Chairman Brenda VanSickle Vice Chairman Steve Realmuto Assistant Secretary Mike Costello Assistant Secretary Debby Landgrebe Assistant Secretary Also present were: Jill Burns by Zoom District Manager, GMS Jeremy LeBrun District Manager, GMS Jan Carpenter Latham Luna, District Counsel Alan Rayl District Engineer, Rayl Engineering Christine Wells Community Director Matt Fisher Operations Manager Pete Wittman Yellowstone Landscaping The following is a summary of the discussions and actions taken at the July 24, 2023 Lake Ashton Community Development District Board of Supervisors meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance Ms. Burns called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m., called roll, and the pledge of allegiance was recited. Five Supervisors were present constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Agenda Mr. Howison asked for any changes to the agenda. On MOTION by Ms. VanSickle, seconded by Ms. Landgrebe with all in favor, the Meeting Agenda, was approved. July 24, 2023 Lake Ashton CDD 2 THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments on Specific Items on the Agenda (the District Manager will read any questions or comments received from members of the public in advance of the meeting) Ms. Burns asked for any public comments on items specific to the meeting agenda. There were no public comments in person or on Zoom. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Minutes from the June 19, 2023 Board of Supervisors Meeting and the April 17, 2023 Budget Workshop Meeting Mr. Howison presented the minutes from June 19, 2023 Board of Supervisors meeting and the April 17, 2023 budget workshop meeting to the Board and asked if there were any comments, corrections, or changes. On MOTION by Ms. VanSickle seconded by Ms. Landgrebe with all in favor, the Minutes of the June 19, 2023 Board of Supervisors Meeting and the April 17, 2023 Budget Workshop Meeting, were approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Landscaping Update A. Presentation of Monthly Landscaping Checklist and Report Mr. Howison asked Mr. Fisher to give his landscaping update. Mr. Fisher allowed Pete Wittman from Yellowstone to present updates regarding landscaping. Mr. Wittman stated that extra employees would be onsite for the palm trimming, and also for removals and stump grinding. The Yellowstone compliance list was included in the agenda. The Board then skipped to the two discussion items that were to be discussed later in the meeting under the Operation Manager’s report, so discussion items regarding proposals were moved up and are seen below. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Monthly Reports *This item was taken out of order D. Operations Manager I. Consideration of Landscaping Services Quotes from Yellowstone a) Front Entrance Flower Beds There was a proposal included in the agenda regarding swapping the annuals with Perennials. Mr. Realmuto stated that in the past, the residents did not like the Perennials, and July 24, 2023 Lake Ashton CDD 3 that is why the annuals were put in. He suggested putting in something more vibrant than Perennials, and stated he would not be in favor of this proposal. Ms. VanSickle stated that she was in favor of changing out the annuals, and suggested possibly using Bromeliads to be cost effective. Mr. Wittman gave several suggestions of bright plants. The Board discussed this, and decided to push this to the next meeting so that Mr. Fisher could provide updated visuals. Mr. Fisher offered to have Yellowstone take the ones that were at the end of their life span out and to make sure the area was weed free for when the Board made a decision regarding what to put in there. b) Plumbago Fill-In on End of Each Center Island Mr. Fisher presented a proposal for installing additional Plumbago in the boulevard after further review from staff. He stated that there were two areas on the northern and southern end that showed voids in landscaping. This proposal was included in the agenda. The Board discussed this, and pushed the decision to the next meeting in order to see visuals of potential fill-ins. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Old Business A. Discussion Regarding the Joint Amenity Policies (requested by Supervisor Landgrebe) Ms. Landgrebe stated that after implementation of this policy, she had seen gaps and grey areas in the clarity of the policy. Ms. Landgrebe asked the Board to present their questions or concerns regarding this policy now, so that at the next joint meeting these issues can be addressed. Mr. Realmuto followed up that some of the group leaders who implement this policy everyday expressed a desire for more explicit guidance in terms of enforcing the policy. This being why the Board wants to create concrete written procedures that would help the group leaders implement the policy. B. Discussion Regarding the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget (requested by Supervisor VanSickle and Supervisor Realmuto) Ms. VanSickle stated to the Board that usually they look to their staff to get them quotes, and by the time those get approved, the quote prices go up. Therefore, she wanted to suggest for the capital projects they put in $650,000 and for the capital reserve contribution, they put in $333,850. Mr. Realmuto stated that he did some analysis on the approved budget from May, and reviewed his notes on the budget for the Board. Mr. Realmuto highlighted the assessment July 24, 2023 Lake Ashton CDD 4 increases that have taken place the past 5 years. Mr. Realmuto stated that those cumulative increases total $755, or 44%, over the past 5 years, if this year’s $200 increase is approved. He stated that he believed this was somewhat excessive, and a burden on their residents. Ms. VanSickle responded that the golf course and restaurant losses accounted for major impacts to the past budgets. Ms. VanSickle also pointed out that the Board was playing catch up due to there not being an increase in assessments for so long. Mr. Howison brought to the Board that the approved Operating budget may need to be increased to a larger number, and recommended $240,000. This would be for the Electric line item. C. Discussion Regarding Revised Combined Fiscal Year 2024 Capital Reserve and Strategic Planning Projects List Mr. Howison and the Board discuss the Strategic Panning Projects list that was included in the agenda. Ms. Wells goes over each item and asks for Board discussion regarding each section of the list. The Board and Ms. Wells reviewed the Contingency section first, and Ms. VanSickle asked where the contingency regarding restaurant items was, and stated that she believed it put them at risk by taking that line item out. The Board agreed to add the restaurant item. The Board also discussed the item of installing electric meters, and asked questions about the priority level of getting that done at this time. Ms. Wells stated that Mr. Fisher was discussing this item with an electrician to get monitoring systems put on the various circuits that service those areas to figure out how much electricity is being used. The Board decided that due to the study being expensive, they would approve one electric meter to be installed in the ballroom, which includes the ballroom kitchen, dressing rooms, and cinema, with a not to exceed amount of $5,000. On MOTION by Mr. Realmuto seconded by Ms. Landgrebe with all in favor, the Installation of the Ballroom Electric Meter, with a Not-To-Exceed Amount of $5,000, was approved. Ms. Wells overviewed the painting items of the project list. Ms. Wells stated that the $16,223 amount on the Indoor Amenity Flooring/Painting Projects did not include the Bowling Alley and Club Office, so that amount would actually be $27,000 with those two included as well. The Board discussed these, and they decided to include the Bowling Alley and Club July 24, 2023 Lake Ashton CDD 5 Office, so the cost would be around $27,000 to be earmarked in the 2024 budget to replace flooring. The Board moved on to the Ballroom Refurbishment, and Mr. Realmuto stated that the actual cost for this would be around $328,000. The Board discussed when they could complete this project. There was a motion for half of the work to be done, and the remaining done the next year, meaning the acoustic panels and ceiling tiles, and the upgrades of the sound system, would be removed from the ballroom refurbishment list, and done the next year. The motion called for a not to exceed amount of $170,000. On MOTION by Mr. Realmuto, seconded by Ms. VanSickle, with Mr. Realmuto, Ms. VanSickle, Mr. Howison, and Mr. Costello in favor, and Ms. Landgrebe opposed, Removing Acoustic Panels, Ceiling Tiles, and Upgraded Sound System, from the Ballroom Refurbishment List for 2024, with a Not-To-Exceed amount of $170,000 for total Ballroom Refurbishments, was approved 4-1. The Board continued to review the project list. Changes that the Board requested be made to the list included changing the line item for Potential Acquisitions amount from $60,000 to $40,000. Mr. Realmuto stated that he would like staff at GMS to update the budget to reflect the changes made in the total within the next few days after this meeting. Mr. Realmuto also stated that there may be a change needed to the security budget, and stated that he believed there should be two-line items, the existing one and the updated one. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Monthly Reports B. Engineer *This item was taken out of order Mr. Rayl presented his report for the Board. He provided an outline in the agenda. Mr. Rayl discussed the shoreline stabilization with the Board. He stated that he is working with SWFWMD to determine restoration ability. Mr. Rayl also overviewed the issue on Ventana with the drainage. He stated that he felt the issue was localized to the inlets on Ventana and that they were taking survey shots and that the curb seemed sunken down. Mr. Rayl stated that he hoped to have the quantities and costs associated with them by next month. July 24, 2023 Lake Ashton CDD 6 Mr. Rayl explained the bridge board replacement project to the Board. He stated that they had identified 53 bridge boards to be repaired, but that they don’t have any bids yet regarding this. Mr. Realmuto asked if GMS provided this service, and Ms. Burns stated that she would check with Clayton at GMS. Mr. Rayl offered to answer any other questions from the Board. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Old Business D. Discussion Regarding Revised Amenity Utilization Plan Ms. Wells reviewed this plan for the Board. She stated that one of the projects was to potentially switch the card room and media center areas that they currently occupy, which was included in the agenda. The report also included pricing and potentially adding a 3rd pool table in the current game room. Ms. Landgrebe asked if a 3rd pool table was a wise use of the space due to last year having 156 annual reservations. The Board discussed this, and Mr. Realmuto suggested they move ahead with the room switches before they add a 3rd pool table so they can see if it is needed at that point. The Board asked that the staff move forward with a plan, and provide an analysis once complete. The Board agreed to use $41,250 of the FY2023 capital project funds for this project. On MOTION by Mr. Costello, seconded by Ms. VanSickle, with all in favor, to Move Forward with the Amenity Utilization Plan’s Project at the Cost of $41,250, was approved. E. Discussion Regarding Updated Security Services Options – if necessary, after joint meeting (CLOSED SESSION DISCUSSION AVAILABLE – if needed) The Board discussed waiting on this decision until the Lake Ashton II Board met and discussed it as well. Mr. Realmuto stated that he believed this Board should discuss the options available in this proposal so they can have a plan. Mr. Howison agreed that they should look at all of the options, and stated that they were not approving anything today but that it would help Lake Ashton II in their discussions next month if they have an idea of the direction they are heading. Mr. Realmuto asked the representatives for Securitas about the proposal quote for the exterior tags, and if the cost would be the same if Lake Ashton II agreed to the proposal. The Securitas representative responded that they could order as many as they want, and that the $2,000 was an estimate. July 24, 2023 Lake Ashton CDD 7 The representatives of Securitas went over details regarding the tags and the functionality of the system. The Board also discussed the gate arms that need to be replaced or repaired. The proposal for this was included in the agenda. The Board decided to replace the 4 gate arms, and one gate arm immediately. On MOTION by Ms. VanSickle, seconded by Mr. Realmuto, with all in favorApproving the Replacement of 4 Barrier Arms with a Not-To-Exceed Amount of $39,600 over 5 Years, was approved. The Board and Securitas also discussed the cards they will need for the new system, and the Board asked them to adjust the card amount needed to 4,000 cards. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Monthly Reports A. Attorney i. Memo Regarding Ethics Training for Elected Officials and Other Legislative Updates Ms. Carpenter stated that a couple years ago it was a law put into place requiring government officials to attended ethics, Sunshine Laws and public records training. That law as of July 1 was extended to Special Districts. Beginning in January 2024, there is a required 4 hours of combined ehtics, public records, and Sunshine Law training. 4 hours is 4 50 minute hours and there are two places listed in the memo where you can get free training online. Ms. Landgrebe asked Ms. Carpenter about another legislative update regarding technology transparency. Ms. Carpenter explained that this basically meant that Supervisors should not post anything online that would be subject to political views or contents, and she stated that she recommends no one use Facebook or any social media as a Supervisor because it can not be kept as a public record. Ms. Carpenter also stated that anything that expresses their view about anything that comes before the Board should not be put on social media. Ms. VanSickle asked Ms. Carpenter about a child and a waiver situation regarding a child. Ms. VanSickle wanted Ms. Carpenter to specify about HOA versus CDD responsibilities. Ms. Carpenter stated that the CDD as a government cannot discriminate July 24, 2023 Lake Ashton CDD 8 based on age, sex and other things, so they cannot limit the usage of facilities by age. The HOA because it was established as a senior community, has the ability and is required to make sure there are seniors living in the community, so they have the legal ability to restrict based on age, but the CDD and their amenity policy cannot do that. C. Lake Ashton Community Director Ms. Wells reviewed her report for the Board. The report was included in the agenda. She brought to the Board a surplus list that included several items, being 2 water fountains, the water ice machine from the fitness center, microwave, 2 weight benches, and a chair lift. On MOTION by Mr. Realmuto, seconded by Ms. VanSickle, with all in favor, to Surplus the Items Provided, was approved. I. Consideration of Renewal of Fitness Center Preventative Maintenance Agreement Ms. Wells overviewed this agreement for the Board and explained why it was needed. The quotes were included in the agenda. The Board discussed these quotes and ultimately decided on the quote from Fitness Machine Technicians. On MOTION by Mr. Realmuto, seconded by Ms. Landgrebe with all in favor, the Quote from Fitness Machine Techinicians, was approved. II. Consideration of Quotes to Purchase Treadmills Ms. Wells overviewed these quotes for the Board. The quotes were included in the agenda. The Board reviewed these quotes with Ms. Wells, and decided to go with the quote from Life Fitness Aspire Cardio for $12,963.22. On MOTION by Ms. VanSickle, seconded by Mr. Costello, with all in favor, the Quote from Life Fitness for $12,963.22, was approved. III. Consideration of Quote to Replace Gate Operator (Exit Side) This was discussed earlier in the meeting. D. Operations Manager July 24, 2023 Lake Ashton CDD 9 Mr. Fisher gave his report to the Board. The proposals he brought were covered earlier in the meeting. E. District Manager’s Report Ms. Burns did not have anything to bring to the Board. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Report A. Combined Balance Sheet B. Capital Projects Reserve Fund C. Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance D. Approval of Check Run Summary The financials were included in the agenda. There were no questions from the Board. On MOTION by Mr. Realmuto, seconded by Ms. VanSickle, with all in favor, the Check Run Summary, was approved. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments Mr. Howison opened the meeting up to public comments. Iris Realmuto (Lot 1031) on behalf of Al Cooney, asked the Board about the pricing for the potential RFID stickers. Mr. Howison responded that they had not come to a conclusion regarding pricing. Ms. Realmuto also asked about the room swap, and she asked if they would get new signs for those rooms to state what they were. Mr. Howison responded with yes. Ms. Realmuto also asked about the rug being added to the media center and why it was necessary. Mr. Realmuto asked to have Ms. Wells address it. Ms. Wells stated that it was a request from the media center group, and that the rug helps to break the room up some. The Board asked Ms. Wells not to buy the rug yet, due to some Board members and Ms. Realmuto being concerned with the rug becoming a hazard. There were no more public comments. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests / Supervisor Open Discussion Mr. Howison asked for any Supervisor comments or open discussion. Mr. Costello stated that a resident spoke at the previous joint meeting about parking being an issue. He stated that he thought parking was getting bad and that they may want to look at alternate side of the street parking. Mr. Howison also asked how the CDD could keep